Mouse Click Event Examples (Colorful Bees & Gods painting). Toggle checkbox to see difference. Press 'J' to put point on the canvas

import { Engine, Point } from '../../lib';

const engine = new Engine(
  document.getElementById('canvas') as HTMLCanvasElement,
    engineOptions: {
      width: 600,
      height: 400,

const { renderer, input } = engine;

const random = () => {
  return Math.random();

document.getElementById('checkbox')?.addEventListener('change', (e) => {
  engine.options.engineOptions!.clearEachFrame = ( as any).checked;

engine.update = () => {
  if (input.keyboard.currentUpKey?.toLowerCase() === 'j') {
    const p1 = new Point({
      x: input.mouse.position.x,
      y: input.mouse.position.y,
      radius: 6,
      color: `rgb(${random() * 255}, ${random() * 255}, ${random() * 255})`,

    p1.update = () => {
      p1.options.x += random() > 0.5 ? random() * 2 : -random() * 2;
      p1.options.y += random() > 0.5 ? random() * 2 : -random() * 2;
